(Hint: Because They’re More Than Just Products)

Promotional products are proven to be one of the most effective media available to advertisers. They’re tangible, useful and highly targeted to the audience they reach, delivering the highest rate of recall and return on investment.

Mobile, highly-targeted and inexpensive, promotional products are the only advertising medium capable of engaging all five senses. Adding your message to a tangible product turns an ordinary message into a marketing experience people can see, touch, hear, smell and even taste.

Imagine your message being delivered by a t-shirt, pen or mug, creating a personal experience people love with a product they can actually use.  Promotional products leave a lasting impression.

The Survey Says
Research has proven they have staying power and are an effective advertising medium. A recent survey by the Promotional Products Association Industry showed:

1.  Promotional products have high recall and increase brand awareness.

  • 88% of people recall the company and brand on their promotional products

2.  Promotional products have a positive impact on attitudes and behavior. Their use has a strong correlation with customer acquisition and retention.

  • 85% of people did business with an advertiser as the result of receiving an item
  • 59% have a more favorable impression of the advertiser after receiving a product

3.  Promotional products are used in consumers’ daily life, increasing reach and brand awareness.

  • 8 out of 10 people own between 1 to 10 promotional products
  • 53% use a promo item at least once a week
  • 1 out of 4 walk around with promo products on or with them
  • 81% keep products because they’re useful

Promotional products work because they leave a lasting impression in the hearts, minds and hands of recipients. The messages live on because the products are memorable, unique and personal. They are the only medium that gives people a tangible memory of their relationship with your brand.