51 Vernon employees packaged 21,168 meals in just 1.75 hours this holiday season to help in the fight against hunger.
Meals from the Heartland is a nonprofit organization made up of volunteers from businesses, schools, churches, community organizations and beyond who package meals for delivery to malnourished people in Iowa, across the United States, and around the world. Meals from the Heartland brought the hunger fight to Vernon Employees and their family members on December 4th for a two-hour event of assembling meal packets in the Maytag Innovation Center, which is adjacent to the Vernon Home Office in Newton, Iowa. It was a well-organized event, led by Shannon Bergman (Director of Administration), which brought employees together for an afternoon of compassion and teamwork. “Our event this year would not have been as successful without the additional efforts provided by Dustin Wicks, Dave Cook, Brad Lundquist and Greta Wallace. These individuals came early to get all of the packaging lines set up and ready to go when our Vernon volunteers arrived. We have the best team here at Vernon! It’s not one individual, but a team effort. Thank you to everyone who volunteered again this year,” says Bergman.
The funding of this this event is just one of many examples of the Vernon Company’s generosity during the holiday season and throughout the year.
Why volunteer with Meals from the Heartland?
When you package meals, you’re helping thousands of hungry people throughout the world. The packaged meals are transported directly to locations where people are undernourished or starving. Not only are you helping people in need, but meal packaging is also a fun, easy way for all ages to volunteer.
In groups of 7-10, you’ll pour ingredients into a bag and sealit. One group will typically package 2,000 meals in one hour. Even a short amount of time can make a huge difference. If you’re looking for a fast-paced activity that serves other people and cultivates friendship, meal packaging is for you. For more information visit: https://mealsfromtheheartland.org/