You can’t point to just one thing to determine if a company is going to succeed or fail. A lot goes into a company’s success but branding does play an integral part. Here are three tips to power your brand this year.


1) Have a meaningful story.

While fonts, colors and logos are all part of branding, they aren’t the core of your brand. What is at the center of your brand is a story. Your brand tells the world who you are, why you are here and where you are going. Your brand is the sum of your customer service rep, CEO, warehouse worker, product user and marketing staff put together. By sharing your story, your customers will care about your company’s and act on that feeling. The chances that they become brand ambassadors and vocal advocates is exponential if you give them a meaningful story.

2) Make a strong first impression. 

Your first impression is what draws new customer in. They make you memorable and bring people back to you after they’ve experienced what you have to offer. But remember, your first impression can’t be all hype – you need to continue to wow you customers the second, tenth and twentieth time they come to you.

3) Turn your customer’s experience on it’s head.

Mistakes happen. So have a plan in place to go above and beyond to fix the problem. Think about the kind of customer experience you personally would want and then create that for your customer. The goal is to make your customers so happy that they’re compelled to tell their friends. And that type of marketing can’t be bought.

These three tips are just the start of powering your brand through the new year.