Choosing to bring a pet into your home is a big step. Adopting a shelter dog comes with even heavier responsibility as you attempt to bond with an animal who has a past that didn’t include you.
Adopt a Shelter Dog Month begins October 1. There is a big opportunity to show how your brand can work to encourage helping the dogs who need people the most. An estimated 3 to 4 million dogs are waiting to be adopted from shelters in the United States every year.

October may be the official month to spotlight shelter dogs, but any time is a good time to help raise awareness for our furry friends in need. Align your brand with animal welfare efforts with the right swag. Here are some top products to Get Your Brand On for Adopt a Shelter Dog Month.
The Necessities
Dog ownership comes with certain essential products to make your pet’s life comfortable. Utilizing necessary pet products as promotional items can be a fantastic approach to incentivize potential adopters and support local shelters. Every canine needs a bowl and these are great options to display your brand. The traditional bowl has a great placement in the home. But you can also put your brand on a collapsible bowl to go wherever the dog and owner are. Other necessary items are things like collars, leashes, grooming tools and toys, all of which make great giveaways for the pup and your brand.

Handy Products
Harness the power of pet accessories that go beyond the basics. These help boost brand awareness and help fulfill a need for new or existing pet owners. Items such as a food scoop may not be essential but can fill a need owners may not know they need. Also, a fun bag dispenser can dress up an otherwise dirty affair. Take it a step further and provide a pet accessory bag or fanny pack that owners can fill with their essentials and bring with them on the go. Make your brand mobile with the dog family as they navigate their walk and travel routines.
Let’s Get Fancy

Further incentivize pet adoption by branding items that can help dress up their new canine. By offering unique pet products, convey the message that adopting a shelter pet is not just an act of kindness but also an opportunity to provide them with a life of sophistication and love. All dogs love treats, so dress up their treat container with a gold-rimmed branded box. Provide owners with a full-color custom bandana to make any dog look dapper. Cover a furry friend with love with a custom pet blanket. Go above and beyond by distributing a branded Carhartt dog coat to encourage adoption. It can bring the spirit of elegance and compassion that shelter dogs may never see otherwise.
These items can encourage pet adoption but also provide practical resources for new pet owners. These thoughtful gestures serve a dual purpose: they promote the adoption of shelter animals while also showing that businesses care about the welfare of pets and their owners. This approach fosters a sense of responsibility and compassion within the community. It highlights the importance of providing shelter animals with loving homes and the essential products they need to thrive.
Check out more products to Pamper Your Pet on our website.