If you’re struggling in today’s difficult business climate with how to keep the marketshare you have and possibly grow your client base, you are certainly not alone. It can be overwhelming to worry about marketing yourself while you are simply trying to keep the business doors open. In response, what we’re seeing now is many large and small businesses alike are tapping into creative outreach methods like social media, including Facebook Live videos and even Zoom calls for one-on-one virtual consultations with clients. And while those are definitely worth exploring, you might want to also consider going back to tried and true marketing methods, and direct mail, in particular. A recent study from Sendoso showed that customer response rates to direct mail increased by 43% and prospect response rates increased by a drastic 190%—almost double—in the past two years.
Often designed to generate interest from new customers, direct mail is also very effective for current clients. When you can customize – or better yet, personalize – some aspect of the piece you’re sending out, you’re certain to generate both goodwill and a positive impression with the recipient. In fact, numerous studies have shown there’s a stronger emotional connection, better brand recall, higher response rates, and more persuasive power when you send someone something they can hold.
Here are a few reasons why direct mail can be such a powerful tool:
- Reaching new clients
Direct mail campaigns provide a unique way to reach new clients who are more difficult to reach through traditional methods, particularly as in-person visits or store visibility is decreased due to COVID-19. With direct mail, you can easily create awareness of your company or business, and let the recipient know about your special services or offers. - Growing the relationship
Direct mail can help you enhance existing relationships, but the key is in the follow-up to the campaign. Once the mailing hits, make it a priority to send a personal email or to pick up the phone and call your customer. Ensure that they received the package and inquire about their current and future needs. Really take the time to nurture the relationship and remember that customers want to do business with companies (and people) that they know, like and trust. Direct mail is a great way to open the door to these types of conversations. If you’re using the US Postal Service, be sure to check out their Every Door Direct Mail® services to assist with your mailing. You can find information about that program here: https://www.usps.com/business/every-door-direct-mail.htm. - Cutting through the marketing clutter
For several years, the trend in marketing and advertising was to move away from using direct mail. Over time, this meant that our email is full of junk (including lots of stuff we don’t remember asking to receive) and our social media feeds are overrun with sponsored ads. But when is the last time you can remember receiving a creative and fun direct mail piece? Maybe something with a useful gift item – or even a postcard with a special offer? Like most of us, your actual mailbox might be emptier than ever while your virtual mailbox is overflowing. Direct mail is great at helping you stand out against the competition and leave a lasting impression.
Vernon Can Help
Whether you’re looking to generate new business, thank loyal customers for their past business, or retain existing clients, direct mail is the perfect addition to your marketing efforts. For a great selection of direct mail postcards, visit https://www.vernonpromotions.com/lsearch.jhtm?searchIndexedCatId=21210&keywords=direct+mail.
What’s more, if the whole idea of putting together a direct mail campaign for customers or prospects seems overwhelming, let us help you! With expertise in everything from developing the right message to custom packaging and promotional items with your logo that are ideal for direct mail, be sure to speak with your Vernon Account Executive about creating the right direct mail campaign for your business.