In today’s uncertain times, it is more important than ever to show your customers that you appreciate their support and patronage. Here’s are two major reasons why:

1. Your customers want to feel valued

No one likes being in a one-way relationship – the kind where you’re the only one committing any time or attention to keeping it going. When you’re always giving and never receiving, it’s easy for a customer to feel unappreciated and undervalued and to take their business elsewhere. According to Customer Experience Insight, 60% of businesses have lost a customer because they feel the business is indifferent to them. Clearly, customers expect a little gratitude in return for their business. The simplest thing you can do to make a customer feel valued is to find creative ways to thank them.

2. Thanking customers has financial benefits

Studies have shown that 38% of customers attribute a good customer experience to personalization, and a good customer experience is what will keep your customers happy.  When your customers are happy, they’re bound to come back to your brand, join your community, and make more purchases as a result!  In fact, 86% of shoppers are willing to pay more in order to get a better customer experience, meaning your gratitude has the potential to skyrocket your profitability.

Three ways to start thanking customers

Now that you know why thanking customers is important, it’s time to start doing it! Since there are infinite ways to thank your customers, it’s important to find a method that makes sense for your business, your brand, and above all your customers. Here are a few simple ways that you can start thanking your customers.

1. Include a thank you note with every order

This is by far one of the easiest and most effective strategies to start today. Whether you thank your customers in person, via social media, or with a handwritten note inside the packaging, you can brighten their day by acknowledging their business every time. Vernon has some creative solutions that help you show your appreciation; from affordable gifts with purchase to practical items for buy-one-get-one promotions to meaningful gifts that show your customer that you appreciate their loyalty.

2. Send a handwritten letter

In a world driven by beeps, clicks, and keystrokes, there are few things as rewarding as receiving a handwritten letter after making a purchase. There’s something special about knowing that someone took the time to sit down and address them personally which makes it immediately more valuable. This goes a long way in a world that has become obsessed with automation, and it will help you further distinguish yourself from your competition.

3. Throw a thank you event

Nothing is as impactful as a thank you given face-to-face. Even though it can be difficult with COVID restrictions, there are ways to do it!  Following social distancing guidelines and other safety precautions, you can thank your customers on a much smaller scale without diminishing your gratitude’s impact. Consider staggering your event over a few hours and limit the number of customers invited during a specific time. A free gift, a special meet and greet, or a bonus discount are only three of the ways that you can turn a regular night at your store into a wonderful evening of value for your loyal customers.

Another way to accomplish the thank you event virtually is to invite customers to attend a webinar or a podcast.  This is a great way to minimize expenses while still delivering an above-and-beyond experience.


At the end of the day, thanking customers is a huge step towards a thriving brand community that will keep your customers happy and coming back time after time.